
Por favor, este blog no es para gente que se cree todo a pie juntillas, gente que se chupa la cantaleta del Ejecutivo, gente cucufata, gente terca, gente que le gusta hacer escandaletes y sobre todo gente monse. (Creo que ni yo lo puedo leer).
...las aventuras descritas aquí "a veces" se parecen a tu realidad. Claro si me las cuentas y me dices que lo ponga, ¡¡¡¿tons qué te quejas?!!!

sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

Bagua is under APRA´s fire. Let's help their.

First of all, I strongly recommend you read this letter (spanish)
Snipers from the ruling party dresses in military killing of civilians by law protest that infringes the rights of indigenous peoples

Where the hell is the end of this situation? Hell it is that we live in northern of Peru with the genocide carried out by criminals from APRA, or taking control of TV station, not attending to the victims of the cold in the high mountains of Peru and now attempting to classify people into categories as the old periods of the Middle Ages.

It is incredible to see it on TV while Garcia minimizes the victims of genocide branded as lower class, rebellious and ignorant that they do not know why confronting the government, its army helicopters and snipers from rooftops of buildings are killing civilians indiscriminately, people who are already tired to talk and waiting, a people seething rage for the neglect that had been exposed because the abuse committed against them.

I copy a text from Martha Meier:

The last Thursday to discuss the Peruvian Congress should repeal the Law N° 1090, but the bench Aprista blocked this possibility. On arrival in the capital of representatives of the Amazon to report what was happening and shows the insensitivity of authorities believe that tie is to be used by those who look beyond feather headdresses. In 1803 the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt wrote to Don Ignacio Checa, governor of Jaen "In Lima, I have not learned anything it's Peru ... Lima is more separated from London to Peru ... A cold selfishness governs all, and thus escaping oneself, the other does not care. " This so far away from Lima Peru also arrived to make their complaints Mrs Nelly Calvo, resident of Bagua, whose uncle and brother have been killed by the inexplicable violence against indigenous ordered (this while the guerrilla group Sendero Luminoso rearm, recruit children and the drug cartels are strengthened).

Well, well, the chronology of what happened can be read through the collection of information by Ana Maria Vidal in the article "Timeline of a massacre announced".

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