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miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Chinchero Airport: troubles for LAN

There is a small village near to Cuzco (Perú) called Chinchero. The peruvian government had ask two engineering consultant companies to perform some feasibility studies to find out the construction of the new international airport, close to Cuzco.

According to the news portal El Comercio, more than $ 6 million together claimed out the four consultants for feasibility studies of Chinchero International Airport in three decades. Today, however, companies wishing to build and operate the terminal Cusco must begin their studies from scratch. Pro Investment clarified that Advanced Logistics Group (ALG), the Spanish firm hired to update the feasibility studies would not validate them as sufficient.

China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the most prominent construction company in the PRC, showed great interest in building Chinchero International Airport, bringing the total capital, as well as looking for the concessionaire that will manage the said terminal. The Chinese business mission, composed by Zhang Ming, Director General for Enterprise and Yu Zhende officials, Kaiyuan Xu, Wu and Juan José Rafael Valdivia Gaytuiro, business representative for Latin America, arrived yesterday in this city, stating that it intends to make investment in this country, running large projects and are very interested in signing with the Regional Government, a protocol of intent with respect to Chinchero International Airport and was received, to discover the technical needs - financial which are derived therefrom, considering that since January of this year, Peru has already signed an international cooperation agreement with the PRC.

Many people have issued a series of difficulties that prevent the construction of the airport there. Some sources also mention that the only company that has a monopoly would be keen to delay as much as possible the construction of an airport receiving direct international routes to Cuzco as this, as the almost sole operator of flights to regional city, would be greatly diminished with decreasing income and connecting neceisdad international tourists through Lima (capital and only city with international reception of Peru), a situation that should greatly to the Chilean air company regionally carrying passengers from Lima Peru's major cities.

Take a look in this link for deeper information.

3 comentarios:

  1. El punto de vista de la intromision por parte de LAN es algo interesante, pero ademas hay factores propios de Peru que dificultan la construccion del aeropuerto en la zona. Aun asi, la ubicacion no es exactamente en Chincheros, pero si muy cerca de este poblado.

  2. Alguna vez estuve ahi y un par de personas del lugar me comentaron como un suenio lejano la creacion del aeropuerto, uno de ellos decia que era cerca de la laguna. Yo lo vi algo arriesgado, pero, el de Lima esta cerca del mar no?

  3. Actually, most of the people, including the gov's people think that airport erection will be performed on Chinchero, even if the capital company is a chinnesse one or from other country. Good post.


Todo comentario es bienvenido menos mucha grosería. Dosifícala!

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